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  • When my cousin and I met up for a business lunch to discuss search engine optimization, hiring an SEO firm, improving search engine rankings, and getting more visitors to his web site; I knew that I had a lot of work to do with my cousin because he had not done any work in regards to research or information gathering about search engine optimization.

    Therefore, the first thing I did was I asked him if he had done any work on his website in respect to internet promotion, and he said no, so I asked him if he had a budget that he has set aside to help get more traffic and more visitors to his web site. My cousin told me that he has some money put aside for the purposes of internet promotion.

    After assessing the situation of my cousin's search engine ranking, the fact that he had done no research on search engine optimization companies, and that he had not done anything in respect to web site optimization; I decided to begin my consulting with a few helpful hints about search engine optimization.

    The first thing I told my cousin about search engine optimization was that SEO work is not a joke and is not a way of tricking search engines to produce favorable search engine ranking for himself. The reason I told him this is because people often think that they need to trick the search engine to get more traffic and better ranked. However, the search engine are not stupid and they usually catch all tricks sooner or later.